Sunday, June 14, 2015

Life as I know it

Life has been so crazy lately. I have been busy with the end of the year things for school as well as preparing my cattle to go into there show barn.  It has rained a lot lately which has meant the pens are a disaster and the milo has just been put in. I am very thankful for the rain, last summer we were in a drought. I just got out of school, I flew to Arizona to my cousins graduation then the day after I arrived back in Nebraska I went to COLT (Chapter Officer Lenadership Training) then I showed my cattle at a show on Saturday and then I went to Girls State on that Sunday. I was sure ready  for the week of recuperating after Girls State. Yes, I have a busy life but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
            One thing my parents have instilled in me is a strong work ethic.  They have made sure if I set a goal of some sort I am going to work my hardest to try to achieve that goal. This happened recently to myself. I have been a hardworking student my whole life. All until my junior year I was receiving 95% and above GPA. I was on the highest honor roll at my school every quarter. I made Quarter 1 Honor Roll with Distinction of my junior year with a 96.3 % GPA but, unfortunately Quarter 2 I was disappointed with a 94.9 GPA. I was devastated. As I was in tears telling my parents I wasn’t going to reach my goal of making every quarter in both Junior High and High School. They said “ Haley, sometimes goals are hard to reach, so you have to amend that goal to make it more feasible. You are taking hard classes this year, you are working hard in everything you are doing I am not disappointed.” With my parents support I amended my goal by reaching Honor Roll with Distinction every semester. I knew I’d have to work my butt off but I could do it. I accomplished first semester with Honor Roll with Distinction. But, as fate would have it with my heavy class load of College Chemistry, College Bound English, Algebra II, and American History, I only achieved  a GPA of a 93.8% I was upset. My parents then told me  “ Haley it is still achievable work 2x as hard this fourth quarter and you will make Honor Roll with Distinction for 2nd Semester. I knew I could do it. So 4th quarter I am happy to report I achieved a GPA of 96.2% and a 2nd Semester GPA of a 95.2 %.  I am so blessed to have the support of my parents. Without them telling me it was going to be okay and pushing me to do my very best I would have given up right there and said well I missed 2nd and 3rd quarter so why not miss 4th quarter?
            Sometimes we have to reevaluate goals. Sometimes we set goals that are not good for our selves. Goals are just guidelines, while I am a type A person who makes lists and sets high goals and has high aspirations that simple hug and pieces of advice from my parents made me feel that it was going to be okay and it was.
Quote of the Week “ Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek. – Mario Andretti