Tuesday, September 15, 2015

It's been a blessing, I am beginning to enjoy a few of the "lasts" of senior year. #senior2016

            Words cannot describe how well the Nebraska State Fair went for my family. I had the privilege to be a ten year 4-H Member, this year as I began my senior year with my “first” last. My last County Fair in 4-H, followed by my last first day of school in high school. Even though these moments are bitter sweet, I am so grateful to have these moments and I am ready to move on to the next chapter of my life.  My brother and I had a very successful county fair we exhibited the Grand Champion Market Steer, Grand Champion Market Heifer and the Grand and Reserve Overall Market Animals.  We were able to end it with a bang for my last year, which was very exciting.
            State Fair was especially bitter sweet. I was reminded how blessed I really am. On Sunday I showed my FFA Steer “Johnnie” he was Reserve Heavy Weight division. The last time I will ever show in the 4-H Show at the Nebraska State Fair happened this last Monday. I nervous and excited all at once. It seemed so surreal that it was my last time. I did have a good day though. I was able to exhibit the Grand Champion Market Heifer with “Abby”. I ended my 4-H State Fair career with almost the same way I started it.  In 2008 I exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Market Heifer, it had been a goal of my family to win the Market Heifer Show ever since. I was very excited that I was able to accomplish a goal that we had set after one of my first years being able to show at the Nebraska State Fair.
            My 4-H Career may be coming to a close, but my experiences, friendships and memories most certainly won’t be. I have had the opportunity to grow in so many ways possible not in just showing cattle but in 4-H as a whole. I am so blessed to have such a supportive family, friends and business partners to help me be the best I could be, that I could not ever thank them enough.

Quote  “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Sues

 Here is a transformation the top picture is my 2008 Reserve Grand Champion Market Heifer and the bottom is my 2015 Grand Champion Market Heifer at the Nebraska State Fair. I was very blessed to be surrounded by many friends and family.