Thursday, December 31, 2015

It's the Final Countdown!

As I should be finishing up Scholarship Applications, applying to colleges, or rinsing my steers.  I'm writing this blog. It hit me this is the final countdown. I just finished the first half of my senior year. 2015 is almost over, and 2016 is right around the corner. There definitely are some things I'm going miss majorly about home, but there also others not so much but everything has helped shape who I am. I have a lot of people to thank of how I have gotten to where I am today. I was texting a good show friend a few weeks ago as she said "One more week!" I said, "Thank goodness, I am so ready to be at the calf show this Friday." That is one thing I will definitely miss. I know in College I will not be missing class as often as I did in high school. I will be the first to admit. I miss A LOT of school my teachers, friends and family would all vouch for me. I firmly believe though what missing school and showing cattle has taught me a few things.

 1) How to not procrastinate. It's better to have everything done before you leave.. especially for a steer show... I've never been to a steer show where someone has made me study for a Chemistry Test.

 2) Life experiences... How many people can say they have shown cattle on the Green Chips in Louisville or the legacy of the National Western Stock Show?

 3) You are going to lose to win.. When you win, you believe... I'm guilty of this you have done everything right.. but when you lose I take a step back and evaluate what I did, and take advice from others to improve on myself.

4) Smile, Even if you pulled an all-nighter driving to a show or setting up stalls smile. You are alive, you are blessed to be here and have stock that is good enough to compete at this level.

5) Friendships, Some of my very closest friends I have met at a calf show, at a calf sale or anything involved in the beef industry.

6) Handshakes are very valuable. How many people do you know can make a deal without a sheet of paper and just a handshake?

7) Pride, I have never had a textbook teach me how to take pride in my work and being happy with what I have accomplished.

8) The value of a dollar. This industry has taught me a lot but the value of a dollar is one thing. A dollar more a pound on a fat steer can go a long ways!

9) Being Kind.. Being kind to others will only reap kindness in return.

10) Hard work does, in fact, pay off. I have been told by judges this calf won't turn out or that calf won't be good in the end by others. It just has made me work harder and work for everything I have gotten in the beef industry.

 There are many things the beef industry has taught that a textbook hasn't even came close. As I am officially half way done with my senior year.  I will be attending the University of Nebraska - Lincoln in the fall I can't even imagine not having the opportunity to show as much. There is going to be a day I will have to retire. I am definitely not ready. But one thing I will be ready for is the things showing has taught me and the life experiences I have gained.

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

Quote: Everyone has their own different life experiences which make them who they are. No two people's life experiences are the same. And mine are just unique to me. - Keisha Knight Pulliam 

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